RED SEA PROJECT™, and IADP - DIVE PROFESSIONALS, announce their cooperation in the Red Sea

RED SEA PROJECT™ and the IADP - DIVE PROFESSIONALS are combining forces in the Red Sea.

Joint Press Release:

The IADP – DIVE PROFESSIONALS (International Association of Dive Professionals | Non-Profit in Formation (EU)), Dedicated to developing support programs for professional divers worldwide. Together with its local representative OCEANROAMERS - TheOceanRoamer, are spearheading marine conservation & educational projects, in Sudan’s Red Sea.

Red Sea Project LogoAnd the RED SEA PROJECT™ - a registered International non-profit organization (EU), dedicated to the protection and conservation of marine ecosystems and biodiversity. RED SEA PROJECT™ - and its team have worked relentlessly on the development and implementation of a variety of marine conservation & educational programs, which adhere to international scientific guidelines.

Are glad to announce a wave making, new cooperation in the Red Sea.

“For several years now, we have followed the unabated drive of RED SEA PROJECT™ Team in the Red Sea. And after several discussions with Mr. A. Fouad their director and driving force; we were convinced that a cooperation between our respective programs would mean a revolutionary development in marine conservation and monitoring in the Red Sea, that would certainly address the shortcomings of the current marine environmental protection apparatuses. Our Red Sea Marine Academy & Experimental Research Center location, in addition to it's satellite monitoring and research stations on both Sanaganeb Atoll and Dungonab marine parks, are the perfect infrastructure to develop and implement, our joint research and monitoring programs.“- H. Hemmerechts (IADP/OCEANROAMERS)

By combining our forces, we will be able to work towards achieving 3 important missions:

1. Further develop biodiversity monitoring and conservation programs, led by RED SEA PROJECT™.
2. Together we will work on data collection for our database and make information available to a wider audience. This would result in a first ‘Real Time Health Monitoring’ of the Red Sea’s West coast.
3. Complete, expand and implement our respective training programs aimed at professional divers in the training & exploration sector.

Please visit following links, for more information:

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