Quality, consistency and flawless professional execution. An impeccable safety record since 1988.

"When beholding the tranquil beauty and the brilliancy of the Ocean's skin. One forgets the tiger heart that pants beneath and would not willingly remember; that this velvet paw, but conceals a remorseless fang. (H.Melville)"

"An Impeccable Safety Record Since 1988 - That's what counts!"

The choice you make in water-sports operators comes as varied as the choice of water sports currently available on the market. 

The difference between a good operator and a bad operator is not always based on what you see.

It is based on the level of training of it's staff, the execution and more importantly on how an operator deals with an accident or problem; in the unlikely case they should arise.

OCEANROAMERS offers you quality, consistency and flawless execution. Due to the high level of training of our executive levels and the amassed experience over decades of operation. Our partners can sleep comfortably, in the knowledge that we provide a qualitative service. Regular in-house training and knowledge development seminaries, combined with a high level of discipline; are just one of the methods we apply to ensure a service and quality of the highest standards.

There's no sport out there in relation to water and wind, that OCEANROAMERS and it's partners are not specialized in and that we cannot offer. Each setup is tailor made to suit the hotel - waterfront locations, budgets and customer type. Generally speaking we offer water - sports that are "Environmentally Friendly" as to not disturb the "House Reefs" for which we care for. We do offer a limited amount of motorized sports, which are performed on excursion basis;in remote beach areas or from a Transfer/Boat platform.

All sports we offer are instructed and supervised by internationally recognized, trained and certified instructors. Our staff are regularly attending first aid seminaries and updates to ensure the safety of their students and the hotel guests. Students receive internationally recognized diplomas, and certificates.

All activities are covered by our internationally recognized liability insurances.

"Show you Care, Recommend and Share."


Light commercial and public service dive jobs on Air. S&R, S&S, Surveys, Maintenance of diving and boating equipment.

S & R / Salvage

Throughout more than 3 decades, of professional diving experience, and education; leads the way in emergency situations. Locating/Recovery of people or objects, in large search area's, or in difficult places is our specialty.

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Surveys & Construction

Above and underwater Jetty or Ship inspection, with video, and full reporting. Underwater mapping, environmental impact surveys. Feasibility studies. All reports, delivered to the highest, international standards. Construction, installation of floating jetties, terraces, homes.

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Marine Maintenance

Planning and management of dry dock maintenance for vessels < 75 Tons. In water repairs on small vessels, body works and ship restoration projects. Diving and Boating equipment maintenance, including dive tanks, compressors, outboard/inboard engines.

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